Walking with God in a Personal Relationship

Walking Alone with God

We are willing to walk with God when we have a crowd with us who are also walking with God. But many times we realize that we are walking in the direction of where God is leading just because of the crowd. We enjoy the community and the security the crowd brings and we follow God with the crowd. But are we willing to follow the direction and the path of God when there is no crowd around us and we have to walk alone with God and it is just you and God.

We might have known God in a crowd, but as time goes by He calls us into a personal singular walk with God. When we are in the crowd He can only talk to us in general communication, but when He calls us into a personal walk with Him, He speaks to us in a person-to-person private communication. He talks to us about His purpose for our life.

He called Abraham from the environment and the crowd he was in and took him on a journey alone with God. If we are always following God with a crowd then the sad truth is we are more attached to the crowd than God. If we are more attached to the crowd than God we can easily follow the direction of the crowd and miss God.  In this environment we will never be able to know God’s specific will for our life, we will always live in the general will of God as one among the crowd. That is not what He wants for our life.

He wants us to come into a personal walk with God. A one to one relationship with God where we can hear his hearts desires and hear his voice clear and are undistracted by the noise of the crowd. It’s a personal covenant relationship with God. Out of this relationship you will fulfill His Plan for your life and build His Kingdom in you and the crowd that was around you.

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