Time to reach the Promised Land depends on our heart

Robert Rajamani

The journey of our life on this earth is not a random and an aimless journey. It is not designed to just run a race in comparison to others around us. But it is a journey with purpose. We did not create ourselves so there is no way for us to know our purpose on our own. Only God who created us knows the purpose of our life. Every one of us has a unique purpose in His Plan. Fulfilling the purpose for our life is our Promised Land. We are heading towards it. He has not left us alone on this journey, but He walks with us. He is committed to get us to our Promised Land. He will not abandon us on the way.

The time it takes for us to reach and enter our promised land does not depend on Him, it depends on us, it depends on the condition of our heart. Our heart can be in two states – the state of Faith or the state of Unbelief. Deuteronomy 1:2 says It took Israel 40 years to enter their Promised Land – a journey they could have done in 11 days. They did not hold on to the Word of the Lord and thus filled their heart with unbelief and had no faith to enter the Promised Land.

The condition of our heart decides how soon we enter our Promised Land. Keeping our heart in the right state is our responsibility. If we cling on to His Word it will fill our heart with Faith, but if we despise His Word and listen to our fears, it will fill our heart with unbelief. The Lord will not leave us in our unbelief, but it will sure make our journey longer. So hold on to what He says and let your heart be anchored in Faith and reach the Promised Land sooner and fulfill the purpose of your Life.

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